Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Begumpet, Hyderabad affiliated to CBSE was established in 1993. Through these years, it has stood the test of time and has brought out the best of the academics enriched with strong values as laid out in the Chinmaya Vision Programme(CVP). The school has achieved many laurels in academics and non-academics. It is one of the BEST CBSE SCHOOLS in the twin cities as per a survey conducted by a newspaper. The different wings of the Vidyalaya are:
Chinmaya Sishu Vihar ---------- L.K.G and U.K.G
Chinmaya Primary Wing ----------- Std I to V
Chinmaya Secondary Wing ----------Std VI to X
Chinmaya Higher Secondary Wing ------XI and XII
The School aims at the steady overall unfolding of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual rungs of the child and the gentle blossoming of the child’s personality.The Chinmaya Vision Programme, with the four Pillars of Integrated Personality, Indian Culture, Patriotism and Universal Outlook, Guides us in achieving this objects.
The love for my country enables me to understand the love of other Nationals towards their motherland. Hence I shall not hate another country and its people. I realise the people all over the World are equally dear to mother earth and I am a part of the World. I am a Global citizen with a " UNIVERSAL OUTLOOK"
Happy and content , i feel greateful to the people around me. I am ready to carry out my duty to develop myself, my family, my school and the society. I am ready to sacrifice my own life to protect my country. I promote "PATRIOTISM."
Being a well balanced person , I love and respect my Culture and Traditions. I can well appreciate other Cultures too. I am proud of the unity in diversity of the " INDIAN CULTURE "
The love, affiection, acceptance and values like honesty, Commitment, discipline, impartiality and hardwork learnt from my parents and teachers help me to integrate my thoughts, worlds and deeds, so that i may become an "INTEGRATED PERSONALITY."